Fountain Civil Engineering
Fountain Civil Engineering
Fountain Civil Engineering


Fountain Civil Engineering has built up a vast amount of experience in roadworks.

Our staffs' extensive abilities range from from road making, bulk earthworks and layers to kerbing, chip and spray and premix.

Fountain Civil Engineering has successfully completed the following notable contracts:

  • Road rehabilitation contract in Mandini.
  • 7km of blacktop roads in Richmond Township.
  • 10km of blacktop roads (Main Road 235) at Hlabisa.
  • Completed 65km of gravel roads in Ulundi in 8 weeks.
  • 36000m2 of G-Block paved surface to Richards Bay harbour.
  • 38ha bulk earthworks contract in Kokstad.
  • Upgrading of provincial roads from gravel to blacktop for the Department of Transport     

           - MR130 Impendle Road upgrade (Value R 66.5 Mil)

           - MR712 White Hill Road Upgrade (Value R 58.8 Mil)

           - MR402 Kwamncane Road Upgrade (Value R 82.9 Mil)

           - MR390 Mpophomeni Road Upgrade (Value R 64.7 Mil)